Kristi McCullum, Account Lead and Strategist

“I'm proud of where I come from, and I wish more people were. Living away and experiencing other lifestyles gave me a much-needed perspective on life in New Brunswick and taught me to be grateful for where I grew up. While this province still has a lot of room for improvement, I believe it has more potential than most and my goal in coming back here and working for PSG is to help others see all that New Brunswick can be.” – Kristi McCullum, Account Lead & Strategist, Portfolio Solutions Group 

One of the best account specialists in the region, Kristi combines her acute eye for detail and exceptional organizational skills to drive our team to execute with excellence on every project. With five years of experience managing small scale business projects to fully integrated strategies and national marketing and communication campaigns, Kristi ensures that no matter the task, it's done on time, on budget and in a way that delivers results. 

Kristi’s passionate about translating project visions and objectives into reality and delivering tangible results in line with client expectations. Her client’s business is her business and having her as an extension of your team will improve the quality and effectiveness of your work on every project. Recently moving from Toronto to Moncton, her city experience and innovative perspective provide invaluable insights and results that our clients have come to expect time and time again. 

Kristi’s most recent successes managing accounts and supporting projects includes the Live for the Moment NB Campaign to attract remove workers to the province, the 8 Cities of NB Association Speaker’s Series Marketing and Communications Plan, Strategic Marketing Plans for Tourism New Brunswick, the ONB Clean Investment Strategy and the Town of Riverview Recreation Complex Communications Strategy & Plan.